How to Dry Dreadlocks - Dreads Drying Tutorial

How to Dry Dreadlocks - Dreads Drying Tutorial

Drying dreadlocks is one of the most annoying routines for any dreadhead, because it's time and energy comsuming. Unlike washing dreadlocks that takes only 10 to 30 mins, and no matter what you do, drying your dreadlocks will take hours.

Youtube video showing how to dry dreadlocks:

Here are few points to know about drying dreadlocks:

1- Wash your dreadlocks early: First thing you should know is that it's better that you wash your dreadlocks early in the day if you can, the earlier the better, that way you will allow them to air dry before you go to bed, it's not recommanded that you sleep with wet dreadlocks.

2- Drying starts from the shower: right after washing your dreads, proceed to squeezing them very well to get as much water out as you could. 
I do not recommand doing "head bangs" because shaking your head could be dangerous, but if you want to do that, just be careful and don't shake too hard, it does help a little bit in getting the water to the tips of your dreads.

3- Using Towels: you will mostly need two towels or more, because dreadlocks suck a lot of water in. rub the towel on your head and dreads, just like you used to do with your long hair before dreadlocks. 
wrap your dreads in the towel and squeeze them.

4- Blow drying: be careful while using the blow dryer, do not set it to maximum heat ( you don't want to fry your dreads from outside) and don't apply it on one spot for a very long time either. Same things you would actually do with undreaded hair.
You may put a towel on your dreads and make some kind of a tunnel and blow dry them while they're inside the towel like shown in the tutorial video, it helps trapping the hot air in, that way the hot hair will circulate inside and won't get wasted all over the room.. and therefor more thance to get dry dreadlocks faster.

5- Sleeping with wet dreads: If you have to sleep with dreads that are not 100% dry, put a towel on your pillow and spread your dreads all over it.

Different people will have different results, depending on the hair type, the size and lenght of dreads, and the weather where one lives, people living a hot places are luckyer than the ones living in cold humide areas.
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