Dreadlocks Maintenance

Dreadlocks Maintenance

Let's make a point very clear before you go any further, you really do NOT have to do any kind of maintenance to your dreadlocks. The only maintenance that your dreadlocks really need is a good washing and drying routine. Apart from that you can just let your hair do its thing and it will be fine.
Yet there are so many people that are not very patient, or they get annoyed with all the crazy frizzy hair they have to deal with, some others just want to have an instant matured-looking dreadlocks, those people tend to maintain their dreadlocks aften, and that is fine, as long as you do NOT go crazy about it. Too much maintenance is not good for your dreadlocks.

Before Starting your dreadlocks journey:
Or you can watch this video instead:

Maintenance Methods:

1- Washing and drying:
Like I said before, the only maintenance that your dreadlocks need. 
1-1 Washing:
You can see more details about washing dreadlocks in this post:
How to wash dreadlocks
Or you can watch this video:

1-2 Drying:
You can see more details about drying dreadlocks in this post:
Or you can watch this video:

2- Separation:
Post about separating dreads:
How to separate dreads
Or you can watch the video here:

3- Sea Salt Spray:
Post about sea salt spray:
Sea salt spray for dreadlocks
Or you can watch the video here:

4- Palm Rolling:
Post about palm rolling:
Palm Rolling dreadlocks
Or you can watch the video here:

5- Loose hair tool:
Be careful when you are using this tool, here are two blog posts about maintaining dreadlocks with loose hair tool:
Or you can watch the videos here:
Part one:

Part two:

6- Crochet Hook:
(Coming soon)

7- Sleeping with dreadlocks:
Post about how to sleep with dreads:
How to sleep with dreadlocks - Sleeping with dreads tutorial
Or you can watch video here:

8- How to deep clean dreadlocks:
Post about how to dreads deap cleanse:
Or you can watch video here:

Stay tuned, I will post more dreadlocks maintenance videos and articles.

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